Chief Science Officer

Dr. Preston A. Chase

Chief Science Officer
Dr. Preston A. Chase
Preston is an award-winning R&D chemist and business professional with over 25 years academic and industrial experience in development and commercialization of new products and processes for both large multinational organizations and start up enterprises. He holds a BSc from the University of Victoria, a PhD from the University of Calgary, and has extensive knowledge in catalysis, synthesis and analytical chemistry. With 30+ peer reviewed scientific publications, and multiple awarded and pending patents, Preston brings a strong track record of research and commercial success to the team.
Preston is an award-winning R&D chemist and business professional with over 25 years academic and industrial experience in development and commercialization of new products and processes for both large multinational organizations and start up enterprises. He holds a BSc from the University of Victoria, a PhD from the University of Calgary, and has extensive knowledge in catalysis, synthesis and analytical chemistry. With 30+ peer reviewed scientific publications, and multiple awarded and pending patents, Preston brings a strong track record of research and commercial success to the team.

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